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Second stop, Grayson Highland State Park in VA

Next up, the beautiful mountains in Virginia. Josh and Allen did 3 days, tent camping, backpacks only, the real deal. The rest and I were supposed to meet them and stay another night, but alas, the whining drove us home early! So I just spent a day on the mountain, no night. : ( after carting that heavy and huge backpack for miles uphill!!!!! But maybe I’ll go back one day, I know I’d love it. Josh and Allen had wild ponies in their camp one night, and a bear! Not at the same time. So this “hiking” was a little more strenuous than I’d imagined. It’s the Appalachian trail and all (goes from Maine to Georgia and a friend of ours did the entire thing, in 8 months!) but I’d pictured more of a “trail” than there was. Sydney (the dog) was wiped! She slept for days afterwards, but at least she didn’t whine. The pics don’t do this trip justice. I’m sure my new Nikon D40 will help with that soon though! : ) I took some panoramic video I’ll post eventually, might show the views a little better.
Self-timed pictures are hard!

There are actually a ton of wild ponies kind of fenced in, course they have a gazillion acres to roam. The mother and foal didn’t let us too close, but these two did.

What trail?? But the views were worth it!

Picking and eating blueberries and blackberries.

Ah, the top makes it worth it. And the way back is all downhill! (but don’t think that made it easy!!)
