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Showing posts from July, 2008

Day 3: San Francisco Giants baseball game

today we had a fun staff breakfast, though it's always sad to say goodbye to these girls! of course i talk to them all day every day, but email is just not as fun as in real life!! afterwards, tara, chris, allen, and i went to san francisco for another baseball game! this was #26 of 30 in allen's quest to see all the major league baseball parks! they did warn us, but boy was it windy and chilly!! beautiful though! we had a wonderful view of the bay from our seats and really enjoyed this stadium. we saw the kayakers that wait for homeruns, the huge coke bottle slides (chris beat allen in a race), a gazillion cool tributes to barry bonds, and a very cool kids park. they even have a neat place where you can watch from field level in right field! the last few pics are from down there and you're so close to the game! and interestingly again, we sat by someone from ohio again, this time from columbus! we were also really excited to see randy johnson pitch too! ( here...

Day 2: San Jose - Laptop Crop at Adobe Headquarters!

today was the laptop crop at adobe! the room was just amazing, the perfect setup for the digital scrapper. and boy did we have a lot of those! we packed the room with the friendliest scrappers and had a ball. lights, sound, big screen, a wonderful place for live tutorials and demos! santa and some reindeer even visited often to give out prizes (since it was christmas in july on the dsp site ). a rep from wacom demonstrated their bamboo fun tablets and gave some away! the epson r1900 wide format printers were printing away all day, a free 12x12 layout for each scrapper! the photoshop guys made a special video appearance and even gave a wonderful tutorial on changing colors, to a very wowed and grateful audience! some of the dsp staff did some very helpful tutorials. and of course chocolate was flowing and the laughter was loud! and we had our very own entertainment at adobe.... rene , amanda , and meg ! they were apparently very inspired by their late night viewing of mamma mia on fr...

California, here we come! Day 1: Oakland A's

we made it to california today and already enjoyed a tour through the adobe campus, met a lot of crazy digital scrappers going on the photowalk, and went to an oakland a's game! adobe is amazing of course, very cool cafes, gyms, basketball courts, concerts, races, pool tables, snack bars, oh and people work there too! the conference room for the laptop crop is awesome and we know it'll be so much fun. the hotel lobby was filled with lots of giggling as a large group prepared to photograph anything and everything in san jose. here are some of their pics already . it was fun to get to hear real names along with dsp usernames! i can't wait to spend more time with them all tomorrow! orangesue (aka tara) and mr. orangesue (aka sueme, aka chris) were our baseball guides and we had a blast! very interestingly, sitting right beside us (in california remember) were two guys from cincinnati! they were also doing allen's goal of visiting all the baseball stadiums. (allen no...

Theme Park Character Night

it was theme park character night at vba, so it was pretty wide open for costumes. but i think my crew looked pretty awesome! i can only claim the pirate, one of the spidermen, and one of the princesses. sam and lucy went with us and all five had a ball! sam and lucy both won prizes, and matt got to go up on stage with the extreme stunt team. i cringed cause, well it's matt, and he didn't disappoint. he poured chocolate sauce all over his partner's head! it was quite extreme. :)

Crazy hair night, and crazy it was!

this week the kids are going to vacation bible school, make that vacation bible *adventure*, at uvcc . tonight was crazy hair night and lizzy won! probably cause her mom is quite gifted at the tease, perfected back in the 80s when big hair was good! :) she still can't believe people did that every day and on purpose! it's shorter this time, so a little faster that when i did it for awana in 2006 (3rd pic). and wow, she's a lot more tan too! :) matt had orange spots and josh went for a reverse mohawk (and now needs a buzz in the morning). they had a ball!

Don't worry, he's okay, and he's ready for Kindergarten!

another day... another fall... another bruise, cut, or scrape for one of the boys! this day it was matt. and what a day it was for the poor guy! he had his physical for kindergarten but right before we left, he fell down the stairs and hit his eye on the bookshelf. he did the usual - see blood, panic, scream, but then calmed down to just be the saddest boy alive. :( at the dr, he didn't need stitches, so that was good. but the finger prick and FOUR immunization shots in his little legs were bad, very bad apparently, according to the volume of his screaming. but six bandaids later, he's all fixed up and feeling better. and very happy that he's officially on his way to kindergarten! i'm not ready of course, but he assured me that "mom, it's only 7 hours and i'll come home right afterwards." yes matt, that helps so much. :)

Fourth of July Fireworks

we enjoyed another great fireworks display in troy tonight! the kids ran up and down the levy hill as usual entertaining themselves until dark, then settled in to ooh and ahh with us, and uncle ryan too. a very cool new thing they did was to spell out troy one letter at a time! they did it three times and the crowd started chanting each letter, it was really neat. we were on the wrong side of the R obviously. i'm surprised i got the pictures, since i wasn't looking thru the viewfinder, i was just shooting away. i "only" took 419 pictures, and a few of them are decent at least. if only i knew how to use my camera, then i could bore you all even more. :)

Fourth of July cook-out, (well, cook-in actually)

despite the rain, we had a great time with the family today! allen grilled in the barn, so we were still able to have a yummy (way too big) meal and visit with everyone inside. thank goodness for the new living room set so we could all fit too! the reds game was on, in high definition no less, so all were happy. the kids had a ball as usual. josh took off with noah and played ball outside in the rain mostly. lizzy and logan did whatever squealing girls do. and matt went back and forth trying to fit in or torture all four. we have a great family and it was so nice to catch up with them again. we need to get together more often, but we were certainly grateful to spend time with them today! we got some nice family photos for a change, and some goofy ones! jim got a great picture of three of the kids (below). i love it! matt entertained the grownups by climbing the doorway, monkey-style. and josh and noah practiced their diving catches, in the wet grass.