today we had a fun staff breakfast, though it's always sad to say goodbye to these girls! of course i talk to them all day every day, but email is just not as fun as in real life!! afterwards, tara, chris, allen, and i went to san francisco for another baseball game! this was #26 of 30 in allen's quest to see all the major league baseball parks! they did warn us, but boy was it windy and chilly!! beautiful though! we had a wonderful view of the bay from our seats and really enjoyed this stadium. we saw the kayakers that wait for homeruns, the huge coke bottle slides (chris beat allen in a race), a gazillion cool tributes to barry bonds, and a very cool kids park. they even have a neat place where you can watch from field level in right field! the last few pics are from down there and you're so close to the game! and interestingly again, we sat by someone from ohio again, this time from columbus! we were also really excited to see randy johnson pitch too! ( here...