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Showing posts from March, 2013

Easter with the Ticknors

So far, we've celebrated Easter in North Carolina, Florida, and now South Carolina.  This time, we were sad not to be with the grands, but we were happy to be with the Ticknors.  And they brought buckets of clams they'd just dug from the beach!  So we combined efforts and had a yummy meal and lots of fun coloring eggs.  And some science experiments. And thanks to Facebook/Pinterest, we tried colored deviled eggs. They were so pretty! And I tried another Easter pic.  Way too big these days...  Ah, I remember when...

Egg hunt

We had a yummy potluck at the campground in South Carolina, then the kids enjoyed an Easter egg hunt.           I tried to take our annual Easter pic on the stairs and realized we really need bigger stairs! 

Matt's ukulele

For the grands to hear Matt.  He's been playing his ukulele since he got it yesterday. He was outside playing before anyone was even awake today. He finally stopped tonight because he has a blister. :) He's been reading, watching the DVD, and looking up YouTube videos and is LOVING this thing. 

Grateful for our life

This is so true. We are so grateful for our little 400 square foot happy home.  Of course if we lost all of that, we'd be gratefully living in a tent.  When your happiness comes from within, it doesn't matter what you live in, where you are, or what's going on around you.  ❤

Leaving Florida

When we finally left Florida, it was hard to say good bye.  Fortunately for all these RVing families, we only have to say see ya later!  Here is the group of kids (from four of the families here) that saw us off.  It was a sweet, but sad day, especially as Lizzy's friends ran beside the truck as we pulled away! 

Chocolate birthday

I had a great birthday with the fam.  First, Allen had a surprise and wouldn't tell us.  After an hour drive, I still had no clue, and cracked up when we pulled into Bass Pro Shops!  He said he did it just for the face I made.  But I did get some cute camo too.  :) Later, I walked in to see decorations and this great meal.  Allen breaded and deep fried chicken and it was SO good.  He definitely needs to cook more.   They picked a very chocolate, and very yummy cake.  And the kids bought me some presents from Russell Stover. Any guesses what?  Yeah, more chocolate!   They know me too well and made my day very special. 

Leprechaun traps

The kids took on the challenge by Fulltime Families to make a leprechaun trap .  After some planning, working, careful bandaging to avoid stitches on Matt (Once again kids, don't whittle toward your body.), and more working, they finished their plans.  (Josh opted out once he learned they were looking for a live trap.)  I agree with Kimberly though, we need the leprechaun to lead us to the gold!  Lizzy's trap hovers over a jar of money... Then WHAM! He's captured into a pretty box.   Matt went with a trail of coins, that leads into a box, and over a trip wire, which closes the flap.  The rollerblades hold the box up, and also disguise it by looking like a messy campsite.    If the leprechaun is small, and not very bright, I think we have a shot.  :) 

Randomness in Florida

We've been killing time in Florida, waiting for it to warm up so we can head north. To where? No idea yet. :)  We've definitely enjoyed the lovely weather here, visiting the grands, working, playing, and relaxing.  Randomness from the RV:  Matt and Lizzy created an entire town of paper.  I'm not sure why it centered around a prison though.     If we get a smaller table/chairs, we have room for a dance floor! I think we're going to learn how long Allen's beard will grow. Catching bait for our bass dinners.  Our friends, the Vinsons from Ohio, were vacationing in Florida and came to visit.  It was great to catch up! We went with the grands and the Ticknors to a HILARIOUS Tim Hawkins comedy show.  If you get the chance, go!  He was even funny for pictures!   I went to an AMAZING mom's retreat with some AWESOME mamas!  These moms get me through hard days and make me laugh all year.  I got a g...

Homeschool showcase

It's Homeschool Showcase time on the Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers blog.  Our link is about fish guts, I mean some of the life skills we're learning, and there are many other fun reads linked there. The showcase is for "encouraging, inspiring and just plain fun ways that homeschooling families live and learn together ." Check it out.  :)

Window cover/chalkboard

Since we're leaving tomorrow and I should be packing up, I decided to start a new project.  And then, you know, blog about it.  (Familiar, anyone?)  We wanted to darken our front window somehow, so we've been looking for options.  We couldn't find car window tinting film or dark contact paper, so I looked online.  As I searched for black contact paper, I saw chalkboard contact paper and thought we'd give that a try. The frame around the window was easy to take off, with about a million screws.     You can see all the styrofoam stuff inside.   Then I just cut the paper and stuck it on.   Can't tell from the outside. One layer wasn't enough, so I added a second.   Which was enough and blocks the light nicely.  Now the frame lets light through still, so it appears to glow.  I could paint the inside of it to really black it out.  We'll see!   For now, it'll keep the sun from blinding us at ...