The amazing details of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter absolutely make the experience. They missed nothing. No mistakes. Seriously, I spent days looking for them! They went to great lengths to be sure you are IN Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley and Florida is some distant memory. Check these out. In line for Hogwarts Castle, you walk through the greenhouse. You can hear music, but there are no speakers in sight. Just these cool flowering vines, with music coming out of them. They also hide electrical cords. Sneaking around Taking photos of the castle, I noticed this walkway, which has to be a back door to the Journey ride, but it just ended. It's just like any castle walkway. You know, because I've seen so many. The owl poo is the best! It's silly, but it's so authentic. Also, it's everywhere the owls are. Because owls have to poo. And magical owls that deliver mail are real. Because Hogsmeade is so cold (obviously, with snow and icicles on the rooftops