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Showing posts from July, 2007

Tree house addition

while i was at CHA, the tree house gained a deck complete with railing on three sides on the third story! so now it's "safe", yeah right!! :)

Cincinnati with some of Team Digital!

between CHA in Chicago and the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Grand Rapids, Lauren and Kim rode home with me to spend a few days. we enjoyed the view of the cornfields all the way home! on monday, we spent the day in Cincinnati with Tina , Suzi , and Linda also! it was so fun to get together with so many of the team to shop, eat, browse, and just hang out! who knew these girls liked dover so much? we spent a lot of time at barnes & noble! and took a riverboat cruise, and shopped, and shopped, and enjoyed meeting Linda's Steve and Sydney and Tina's Scott and Tate and Suzi's Charlie. of course we feel like we know them from their scrapbooks (but you know, those men never do understand why we hug them as if we've known them for years!) then Lauren, Kim, and I went to a Reds game so Lauren could see her first baseball game and eat her first giant pretzel! the next day some of my friends , including Debi , yet another member of Team Digital, met us at night...

Harry Potter festival

i was SO bummed to miss the big harry potter festival while i was in chicago! allen was so awesome to take the kids so they didn't miss the fun. he's smiling in the picture, but he wasn't that thrilled! but they were the cutest harry, ron, and hermione ever! in my opinion anyway. tina and lori (from DSP ) were there and took some pics for me, since allen had his hands full!

Chicago for CHA (Craft & Hobby Association trade show)

this one was really fun. we ( DSP ) didn't do a booth, but helped our distributor McGill with theirs. well Kim and Lauren helped, Pam researched, and i just had fun and meetings. genevieve gorder from trading spaces was the keynote speaker and was awesome. we really enjoyed her. SO much better than martha stewart last year! i also ran into a funny austin powers impersonator, he was great! said the ratio of women to men at a craft show was great for his mojo! :) we (the girls, not austin!) also went out and enjoyed downtown Chicago. we took the world's longest route into town thanks to construction on the train and confused bus drivers. but we did the tourist thing and even took a relaxing carriage ride, which was really neat amid the hustle of the city. we went to a great restaurant above the city, not to eat, but to take pictures of course! i listened to the new harry potter book on cd all the way home too! it was so fun! i could have easily kept driving for an...

Allen's backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail

Allen went on a 4 day backpacking trip with some buddies from church and had a great time. he loved it so much he took the whole family back last week! they saw a bear from the road, but none at camp (always good). he saw some wild horses and got to pet some but my camera broke and he couldn't get the photo, ack! he really enjoyed the solitude and just taking in God's creation. they went on part of the appalachian trail near mt. rogers in virginia and it was beautiful. btw, his backpack weighed 47 pounds!

Summertime pool fun

don't you love the looks on kids' faces when they play in water? just pure delight! we inflated the pool today and filled it with freezing water, but the kids had to play anyway! they were indeed freezing, but they had a blast. of course when you're too big for a kiddie pool, you have to be creative to make it fun, and they sure did. pics and video below! videos: josh diving (1.7 mb) josh doing a backwards half twist (1.3 mb) lizzie going a bit overboard (2.0 mb) matt gracefully diving (1.6 mb)

Camping, scrapbooking, and lots of chocolate!

what a fun weekend! 8 digital scrapbookers in a camper surrounded by lots of food, friends, and fun! laptops and laughs everywhere! we're all in the first pic. front l-r: debi, amie, joann, kim, casey. back l-r: morgan, kendra, me. we scrapped until 4am and were up at 8am to get going again. some worked hard and got lots done, some were just experimenting and cutting off legs, some were learning new programs, some were spending hours on one page, i was just using ploppers of course! we had a great spot on lake loramie. it was very peaceful and pretty, outside the camper anyway. casey got her fire thanks to kendra and the s'mores were awesome! it was just a fun weekend with the girls. if you have any scrappers near you, i suggest you grab them and get scrapping! allen and matt came back on saturday and spent time with some friends from our adoption classes, brian and tara . we got to see jonathan again and to meet their newest son andrew. brian and tara took spins ...

Josh's first whitewater kayak trip!

Allen took Josh out for his first ever "whitewater" trip down the Mad River. He hasn't really learned to embellish a story yet, but then he's only 7! Click here for more pics posted in the OAC gallery . Trip Report of the Mad River by Josh Lundy (Age 7) [typed by mom, who is ashamed her son is now officially a better kayaker than her] Today, Dad took me to the White Water Warehouse and we rented a Jackson Fun 1. I met Eric Jackson once with my dad. Then we went to the Mad River and put in at the bridge. And then the first rapid I did not flip. That’s pretty much it. Then I went on some flat water. Then I got stuck in a bush and I screamed but then I pushed myself out and was fine. Then we got to Bernie’s Hole and mommy took pictures [only a few] . Then I went over Bernie’s Hole and flipped and got stuck in the hydraulic [seriously he said that] and I almost screamed my head off. Then my dad pulled me out. Then he pulled me to my boat and then I emptied my boat. Then ...

Happy Fourth of July!

hope you had a happy july 4th today, we sure did! we had a fun-filled day with kayaking, swimming, a movie, pizza, cookies, and of course FIREWORKS! first we did a little kayaking on the river, where josh did really well. allen thinks he's ready for his first trip (gulp!). then we saw transformers, which was a really cute flick! great special effects and the robots were very cool! then before the fireworks, we ran into some friends, so the kids had a blast playing with everyone while we waited for the show to begin. they loved the sparklers! (it's not easy to get a good photo of those!) then we ooh-ed and ahh-ed for the great display. last year we watched from the other side of the bridge. this time it was pretty neat to see all the people on it under the fireworks. i love the levee in this town, it's a very cool place to be. it was a great end to a really fun day!

Tree house videos!

in case you'd like to see some of the tree house (aka tree amusement park) features in action, here are a few quick clips. my old camera apparently doesn't do sound, so hum to yourself. :) in most, the kids were yelling hi grandma and grandpa! Josh, Allen, a firepole, a zip line, and a collision narrowly averted ! 3.1 mb Allen by the gun (for corn trolls) 1.1 mb Josh on the zip line 2.0 mb Lizzie on the slide 2.4 mb Matt on the rope 2.9 mb Lizzie on the swing 1.0 mb Matt on the swing 1.3 mb