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Showing posts from June, 2012

Fulltime Families Rally Day 4

On the last day of the rally, the kids made everyone pancakes (that turned out surprisingly well).  There was also a Sunday service, more games, a scavenger hunt, karaoke, a potluck, a summer birthday party, and another movie and campfire.  It was a great few days of spending time with friends (old & new) who are now all old friends we look forward to seeing down the road.  Which is a great thing for fulltime RVers!  We don't have to say goodbye, just see you down the road...             (Links to Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3 , & Day 4 !) More pics: The video recap by Kimberly Travaglino at Fulltime Families :

Fulltime Families Rally Day 3

What an awesome day!  Besides science experiments, Let's Make a Deal (where Allen and I unfortunately did not win the prize of dinner with free babysitting, ugh!), and more games, we had a prom!  Roadschooled and homeschooled kids don't always have a prom (or care), but this was a really fun night for kids and adults alike!   Kimberly really went all out with the pavilion, a DJ, decorations, prizes, and our dessert potluck.  It was a thrift store prom, so no pressure to buy anything fancy, but many found some great deals under $5 at the local Salvation Army.  Some pulled out dress clothes, while others wore every day stuff, and no one cared at all.  It was just a fun time of dancing and letting go with our friends.  I haven't laughed that hard for a long time! Josh and Laney won (possibly bribed, I know Matt was trading hugs for votes!) prom king & queen and this was their reaction to learning they had to dance together!   ...

Fulltime Families Rally Day 2

Day 2 of the Fulltime Families rally was packed with fun!  Swap meet, parade of RV homes, tie dye shirts, air soft war, waterpark fun, talent show, potluck, movie, and a campfire.  So nice to hang out with our friends from the road, who feel much more like family. A surprise visit by Taylor Swift, aka Josh.  I was torn between proud and mortified... Then another visit, this time from Taylor Swift's mom.  This time I was closer to mortified... (Links to Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3 , & Day 4 !) So many more pics!

National Fulltime Families Day & Rally

We're celebrating National Fulltime Families Day in Lancaster, PA!  Yep, June 21 is National Fulltime Families Day and many fulltime RVing families have gathered for a fun time.  The festivities have already started with opening ceremonies, christening of the Travaglino's new truck and RV, and playing at the indoor waterpark.  Tonight we'll enjoy s'mores, trivia, movie night, and a campfire.  It's been great to catch up with old friends and make new ones too!  (Links to Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3 , & Day 4 !)       S'mores, trivia, movie night, and a campfire!          It's so fun to see our road family out my office window!


More families pulled into the campground for the rally, so more fun!  The kids were playing with a remote control helicopter, so I had to take some pics.  Then I realized Mr. Troy Marrs was one of those kids, and it was his toy!  :)  They also watched quite a few movies outside on the RV with the projector.  (Their favorite? RV of course!)     

RV curtain, ugly blind cover up - duct tape!

I found a great solution to our ugly RV blind problem, duct tape!  The blinds had an ugly top that our hiking stick curtain rods didn't cover.  They were plain, tan, and the screws showed.  Worst of all, the manufacturer thought it would be smart to write the window sizes right on the top of the blinds, in permanent marker of course!  So I've wanted to cover them with something (since paint didn't work, I tried) and I finally tried duct tape.  The bright lime green doesn't match the walls exactly, but enough that you don't notice the tops anyway. 

Campground haircuts

Just a day at the campground as other families started pulling in.  The lovely (and very generous!) Kimber pulled in and gave some great haircuts to kids and adults.  Ours lined up quickly (the grands will be happy to note!) and they look so much better.  Lizzy even surprised me and went for a short haircut.There was also sidewalk chalk and random cute children sitting in dog pens.