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Showing posts from May, 2007

Baseball season is here!

well it's here. 3-4 nights a week of baseball and softball games. josh and lizzie are on separate teams this year, and both travel! they're 7, it's nuts! but they're having fun and learning a lot. allen's coaching josh's team and umpiring some of lizzie's games. i just watch and try to keep up with the 1-2 kids who aren't playing at the time. and aren't lizzie's socks too cute?!

Camping at Ohiopyle in PA

another fun camping weekend! this time we went to the youghiogheny river (the yough) and ohiopyle state park. beautiful area in pa! we were so bummed we couldn't do the natural waterslides. the water was too fast this time. here are the pics from last year . allen kayaked the cheat and the yough while the kids and i hiked and swam. they even kayaked a little in some flat water (while i held a rope). we saw a cowboy wedding in front of ohiopyle falls. they came in on horseback, not something you see every day. we camped with the oac again and had a ball. even had kids' night at the campfire with balloons. the night before was science experiment night, with some great colored fire! here are a few pictures of the weekend...

Slippery Rock camping trip #2, no accidents!

we went back to pretty pennsylvania this weekend and had no swimmers (josh or allen, though the club had plenty)! we did some more great hiking and the kids stayed back quite a ways from the water. allen had a great run, and never flipped! he was in MY awesome boat of course, it's a non-swimming boat. not that it worked for me. but lots of fun, tree climbing (and falling), biking, s'mores of course. the kids are especially fond of kathy and her dogs, joe and his dogs, and pretty much everyone around the campfire (as they all got goodnight hugs). 10 pics below, just highlights of the weekend.

Sydney reading a "cook book" maybe??

wonder if she found these yummy?? maybe not, it looks like she got a little bored!

Videos of Matt today

Matt (Age 4) saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing 5/9/07 (they'll take a little while to download, then play fully afterwards!) Pledge of Allegiance (3.4mb) We're Awana Cubbies (4.6mb) Jesus Loves Me (5.7mb) Jesus Loves the Litlle Children (3.3mb) Here I am to Worship (5.6mb) Livin' on a Prayer - yes, a little Bon Jovi too! (3.4mb)

Slippery Rock camping trip pictures

here are some more pics of our camping trip. the kids stayed away from the water on the second day! it's so peaceful to camp before camping season really begins. there was a big mangled tree there that had fallen over and it was the best playground ever! we hiked on a national scenic trail and it was so pretty.

Beware of Slippery Rock!!

well it's happened. a parent's worst fear as you hike along a creek named slippery rock. but we're all okay, relax!! we're somewhere in pennsylvania and allen was kayaking slippery rock with a group from the oac . it's a beautiful gorge and the old mill and covered bridge really take you back. the kids and i were hiking along the river to watch the carnage (lots of swimmers today) and take photos. and despite my watchful eye (and constant nagging) josh got too close and slipped down a rock into the water. it was near the end of a rapid, so some very fast moving water, white water where he went in. he was swept into the current and went under and came up once before i had time to dive in after him. i got to him pretty quickly (mom powers in hyperdrive you know) and swam us into the eddy. a kind hiker helped pull us out. it was freaking cold! josh just freaked afterwards crying and saying he was so scared. i held him for a while and we both cried. a fe...

Scrapbook pages from the Elkhorn camping trip

Two quick pages from our previous camping trip, both made with graphics from May's Club Digital . Click each image for more info!