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Showing posts from October, 2009

week 11 of homeschooling

we covered a few extra chapters in the prairie primer each day so we could have thursday and friday off, because the grands are coming and it's halloween and daddy's birthday and all three adoptions days! that's too much excitement to think about school. :) mon, oct 26: · spelling and math timed tests · i don't know, allen does the morning shift. i'll have to ask. (he says he won't tell) · from the prairie primer: reading, research, science, bible, living, literature, vocabulary, character tues, oct 27: · i chose this morning, during math timed tests, to learn guitar. loudly. it wasn't pretty, and they weren't happy, but i hope they learned about consideration! don't judge, they needed a practical lesson (badly) and i'm out of ideas! and no, they didn't get many of the problems finished! in the "what did you learn from this" portion of the lesson, josh guessed you're getting even with us for waking you up? (sigh) but lizzy s...

Quick commercial break - we're featured on Wacom's! (Get free stuff!)

Wacom's is live and DSP is featured for Oct/Nov! You can now download a FREE DSP kit (by Designer Nicole Young), upload your page for the Pen Scrappers contest, and you could win a Bamboo tablet, Scrapbook Artist software, and a DSP CD! Good luck!!! At , you'll also find many great pages and tutorials for using Wacom tablets with your scrapbooking. And don't forget, if you buy the new Wacom Bamboo with Multi-Touch , you'll get a CD of DSP graphics and a free digital scrapbooking class at DSU !

week 10 of homeschooling

(does it always feel like each week has flown by? yeesh!) monday, oct 19: · math and spelling tests · i'm moving into a new computer, which is quite the ordeal around here. so i moved computer files and programs all day, not sure what else the kids did. probably worksheets in some subject. :) · oh, i do remember (cause i just saw the pics) allen was teaching them about printing and colors (probably from an i wonder why book?) and i showed them a great visual aid from my paper knowledge class at mead research. (waving at rhodamae, she'd be proud!) tuesday, oct 20: · math timed tests · for cooking class (and sequential direction following) we made cowboy cookies (yum!) · from the prairie primer: reading, science, health, geography, bible, art · we finally hung up our own homemade school photos in the living room, so now we're officially up to date. now if they'd just stop growing... wednesday, oct 21: · math timed tests · online math games · story with spelling words ...

last soccer games

soccer tournaments were this weekend. saturday was josh's last game, and lizzy's team made it to sunday. fun season! allen enjoyed coaching soccer for the first time. it was interesting with three kids on three teams, but we managed! we're looking forward to a little time off now though. here are the last pics. more than the photos themselves, i love the fall colors in the photos!

week 9 of homeschooling

it's already the 9th week, so if we did grades, it would be crunch time! since we don't though, i think i'll give them all straight Q's. congrats kids! :) monday, oct 12: (happy columbus day!) · math and spelling tests · math and grammar worksheets · watched a cartoon about christopher columbus (man i love youtube!) · from the prairie primer: reading, science, history, writing, reasoning, bible, vocabulary · jack's getting in on the schooling too, but he's failing. bad. he is one stubborn dog! · lizzy needs help getting word problems, they scare her. or other directions, she glazes over. so we're taking the math out of it and will be giving her directions and problems in paragraphs to help her get the concept, minus the fear. today she's following directions to make lunch. it includes the steps (and some unnecessary info) and we'll do easy tasks like brushing teeth, watching tv, playing games, etc. til she processes the idea of following ...

family visit

today we had a memorial for allen's mom and got to spend time as she would have liked, eating a yummy feast with family gathered around her. i have to say i much preferred that than the typical somber funeral home. death is certainly sad, but we're happy for barb (knowing she's now in perfect health) and also for the family we have, so it was so nice to celebrate that. allen also showed the kids where he grew up. of course he had to tell about all the crazy things he did, and of course they asked if they could do them too! no kids, the boy *broke his head*, i just can't let you do it all! i'm pretty easy going, nerves of steel, but between allen and the kids... shew! i also made a scrapbook page with old pics of barb using erica belton's left and right sides of an antique album. we took a photo with most of his immediate family and they're not smiling scrapbookers, we'll have to work on that! :)

week 8 of homeschooling

this week will be weird different flexible. we lost allen's mother on sunday after a long fight with copd and cancer, but we're glad she's no longer suffering and is in perfect health in heaven! allen and i spent monday in peebles making arrangements and spending time with family, which was hard, but nice too. so the kids went to friends' houses while we went south. then we brought home a dog, so there will be craziness here. monday, oct 5 · math and grammar worksheets · field trip to babysitters :) tuesday, oct 6 · math and spelling tests · math worksheets · all-day dog training (they need to get to know each other okay?) wednesday, oct 7 · math timed tests and worksheets · reading worksheets · science books, read & answer questions · lots of reading thursday, oct 8 · math timed tests and worksheets · reading worksheets · science books, read & answer questions · more reading friday, oct 9 · math and spelling tests · book reports · even more reading · we h...

meet the newest lundy

meet the newest member of our family, jack! he's a designer hybrid dog, we're just not sure of which breeds! (yes, that means a mutt). :) when we saw him at allen's sister's, he was so cute and affectionate that when she asked if we wanted to take him home, we thought why not?! then we thought of lots of reasons why not. :) since we lost sydney, we've wanted a dog, but not the responsibility of a dog. but then we thought about the kids and how they'll have a dog to grow up with now and of course they can share the responsibility. he's past the puppy stage but young enough to keep up with them, so jack became a lundy! and the lundy children are SO thrilled. they won't stop thanking us or telling us how great he is or making up songs about the most awesome dog. so yeah, they're happy!

week 7 of homeschooling

monday, sept 28: · math timed tests · spelling tests · all day field trip to the air force museum for homeschool day ! they had classes, demo stations, and activities all day long and the kids had a blast. pics below! tuesday, sept 29: · math timed tests · math and reading worksheets · they read an i wonder why science book · from the prairie primer: reading, science, bible, history, writing · josh had a soccer game for gym wednesday, sept 30: · math timed tests · i'll have to ask allen what else, i really didn't pay attention! · we took two loads of stuff to a friend's house for a yard sale, so pricing, math, life skills, don't be a pack rat class? who cares, it's gone! :) · lizzy and matt had soccer games/gym. i loved the pics of matt. sometimes you just have to stop and pull the grass, and yes, the sun was in his eyes. :) thursday, oct 1: · math timed tests · appointment day in dayton for lizzy and me, while the boys cleaned the kid room. gotta say us gi...