We took a fun road trip to Springfield MO to check out the original Bass Pro Shops store. It's huge! Like an entire mall of Bass Pro amazingness. Take everything you love about Bass Pro, which is everything, then quintuple it! Wow. Everywhere you look is wow. There were two museums upstairs and this was a favorite of course. See the stair railings? Made of guns. And the door handles. The camping section has a stocked stream running through it. Downstairs, you appear to be under the lake, so you see bottoms of boats, fishermen's boots, fishing line, so fun. We watched a scuba diver feed the fish in one of the many giant tanks, while she told us all about the types of fish they had. There was too much to see in one day, so we'll be back! We stopped at Lambert's Cafe , Home of the Throwed Rolls. As you can imagine, they indeed throw the rolls to you! Hot, buttery, wonderful rolls. Clear across the room. So fun. Great food and decor too. ...