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Showing posts from August, 2015

And then there were 2

We're down to two kittens left, our Chewie (who gets to stay to keep Walker company) and Christopherson, who is going to some neighbors. They had a lot of fun together. Walker is weirdly such a patient mama cat. They love attacking her tail and she seems to not mind.

Lunch and manicures

When we found out they were in the next state, we convinced our friends the Travaglinos to come visit Lundy Mountain!  We had some lunch (deer & noodles) and then an impromptu chicken nail salon. You just never know around here.  :)

Lambert's and Bass Pro Shops

We took a fun road trip to Springfield MO to check out the original Bass Pro Shops store. It's huge! Like an entire mall of Bass Pro amazingness. Take everything you love about Bass Pro, which is everything, then quintuple it! Wow. Everywhere you look is wow.  There were two museums upstairs and this was a favorite of course. See the stair railings? Made of guns.  And the door handles.  The camping section has a stocked stream running through it.  Downstairs, you appear to be under the lake, so you see bottoms of boats, fishermen's boots, fishing line, so fun. We watched a scuba diver feed the fish in one of the many giant tanks, while she told us all about the types of fish they had. There was too much to see in one day, so we'll be back! We stopped at Lambert's Cafe , Home of the Throwed Rolls. As you can imagine, they indeed throw the rolls to you! Hot, buttery, wonderful rolls. Clear across the room. So fun. Great food and decor too. ...

Tree diving

The lake is still up, so the road becomes the beach and the trees become diving boards!

On the RVstead

Random stuff from the RVstead. Baby Goat is still adorable.  Matt's 2 favorite things.  The garden did pretty well this year. We had beans and tomatoes still growing until we just got tired of picking them!  We found all the kittens sleeping in the tree again.  Almost all are going to new homes soon. And we got new sheets and now can't find Allen.

Animals and the tree

We spent part of the day under the tree with the animals, mainly watching the kittens be silly and the goats play fight.  Chewie fell asleep like this for a while.  Walker captured a few for baths in between the fun. A mighty hunter...  Then Chewie woke up and fell asleep again.  And again.