we had another fun weekend, this time at rocky fork. there was a dam release so kayakers came by the boatloads, literally, to enjoy the scenic run. i actually ran the first (tame) part of rocky fork, the part so easy you can't flip, tho yeah, i still managed to (and swam of course)! then allen came in as my stunt double to run the rest, including the chutes, a few times. we did primitive camping this time, so no electric, water, or cable. well, it wasn't too primitive, we still had heat and smores via the gas burners! we went with the outdoor adventure club this time and they took great care of us. it rained one night, but then we were treated to a wonderful double rainbow all the way across the camp! slippery rock is next and they say there are plenty of viewing opportunities, so hopefully we can take some pictures of the action! i'll be sitting that one out, i mean entertaining the kids! pics are the rainbow over camp, the chutes from a bridge, and poor sydney th...