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More camping, more kayaking!

we went back to the breaks interstate park and had a fun day! just one though because allen had a little mishap on the river... upside down in a kayak, with a rock to the side of the head. :( he'll go to the doctor tomorrow, looks like a ruptured ear drum and nasty river water's never good for infections and such. (besides the pain, disorientation, loss of balance, hearing, and vision!) but once you overlooked his grotesquely swollen ear, you could really appreciate the fall colors in the beautiful gorge! more pics of course...


Laurenbavin said…
Gorgeous Photos Margie - i see you are enjoying that camera - I love the one of Lizzy looking at the view and the calm river shot the best
Liz McCoy said…
Wow margie!!! I didn't think you had bad pictures before but your new camera ROCKS!! the pictures you're taking now are incredible!!! need to convince Nikon to get you an endorsement deal!!
Anonymous said…
I love the photos too. You have a beautiful family and your scrapbooking is remarkable! Thank you for your supportive comments on my page.