we've been outside of course, snowball fights and snow kayaking . i've been working my waterproof camera hard and it's doing very well! last night we went to the levy in town and took the kayak for some great fun under the lights after dark. despite being plowed in the head by josh in the kayak when it was my turn to be the human ramp (something only a lundy would say), i had a ball myself! here are a few of our winter fun scrapbook pages!
we've been outside of course, snowball fights and snow kayaking . i've been working my waterproof camera hard and it's doing very well! last night we went to the levy in town and took the kayak for some great fun under the lights after dark. despite being plowed in the head by josh in the kayak when it was my turn to be the human ramp (something only a lundy would say), i had a ball myself! here are a few of our winter fun scrapbook pages!
I was looking up scrapbooking and ran across your page/business. I enjoy doing scrapbooking too, but I do it the old-fashion way. I have a group of friends that get together the first Friday of each month and we eat, talk, and scrapbook. I'm trying to figure out digital scrapbooks. I want to have a scrapbook that I can hold in my hands and keep on the shelf and I'm not sure if the two can be combined. I complete one every year in Kendall's life. I want to be able to give them to her when she grows up.
Anyway it was great seeing all of your beautiful pages and seeing your beautiful family.
Kristin Riley