We found a geocache today, this time without our un-trusty GPS (or the iPhone which had no service anyway)! The clues helped us find this one (just in the nick of time before muggles came along too!)
We drove down into the New River Gorge as we've done hundreds of time probably, but this time we listened to the audio tour (free from the visitors center!) and learned much more about the gorge, coal mining, the bridge, and history of the area. It's such an interesting place. Plus it has great kayaking and rafting of course! At the bottom, Fayette Station, we let the kids swim for a while and they had a ball. A bit cold, but that never stops them!
When we got home, we saw two squirrels in our site and said awww, until we realized they were eating our cornhole bags! Allen said (on his blog) they must be Michigan squirrels because we have an OSU cornhole set. :)
We drove down into the New River Gorge as we've done hundreds of time probably, but this time we listened to the audio tour (free from the visitors center!) and learned much more about the gorge, coal mining, the bridge, and history of the area. It's such an interesting place. Plus it has great kayaking and rafting of course! At the bottom, Fayette Station, we let the kids swim for a while and they had a ball. A bit cold, but that never stops them!
When we got home, we saw two squirrels in our site and said awww, until we realized they were eating our cornhole bags! Allen said (on his blog) they must be Michigan squirrels because we have an OSU cornhole set. :)