We visited Walnut Grove, which seems little changed since Laura Ingalls Wilder’s time! We camped on the bank of Plum Creek (yes, just like the book!) The LIW museum had items from Laura’s life as well as the TV series (like the mantel from the show!). It had different buildings to check out, a school house, outhouse, dugout, jail, wagon, a typical 1800s house with a Plum Creek Experience room with lots of fun things for the kids (and grown ups!) to play with. An organ, dress up, kitchen, it was really fun!
Then the amazing thing was walking along Plum Creek and finding the actual spot where they lived in a dugout. It’s caved in now, but clearly visible and marked with a sign. There’s a bridge, a spring, and the big rock, just like in her book and looking across the beautiful prairie, you can just imagine their life in the little dugout. Walking across the bridge, walking above the dugout on the prairie, going to the spring for water. It’s just so easy to step back in time. And so touching to walk where Laura walked!
Back in town, they have the sites marked where some of the original buildings were. The church, school, the bell! Remember the bell Pa helped to buy using the money he needed for boots? It’s still there! There was a fire in the early 1900s, so the original buildings in town are gone, but the original Oleson’s Mercantile was where the First State Bank is just down from the present day Oleson’s. We had dinner at Nellie’s Café too (from the TV show, not the books). The town was very small and quiet still and very enjoyable.
Lots of pics below!

I loved the pictures, and it really looked like fun to dress up!
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