We did the typical tourist stops of seeing Pictured Rocks from the overlooks, but fortunately we have time to kill up here so we took the kayaks out to check them out up close. WOW!
The rock cliffs are so much prettier from the bottom, with more colors to see and caves you can paddle into. Allen and Josh even found a cave behind a waterfall (the big one people point to from afar) and they went right under the falls and in! They found a "pirate's treasure" in another, just a natural huge pile of beautiful rocks.
We also saw a bald eagle again, and a rootbeer river! We keep seeing brown rivers and even sections of the Lake Superior that really look like rootbeer, we guessed from the copper or iron ore deposits. A park ranger said it was acid from the leaves. Whichever, it's pretty cool and really makes you thirsty for a rootbeer. :)
See the cave on the bottom of the cliffs on the top left? We paddled through it from the other side.
