We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, which we stretched into a week thanks to the hospitality of Uncle Jim and Aunt Katie. The kids had SO much fun with their cousins all week. They played all day and night and took turns having overnighters in the house and the RV. They usually just get to play for one day and don't really have time to get to know each other well.
Thanks to that peace and quiet, we got a lot of work done! We had a great setup too, in the driveway close to family, food, and laundry with electric, water, sewer, cable, and wifi. With all of that, they're lucky we didn't stay a month!!
We joked that since we lived in a preacher's driveway, we went to church 3 times in 5 days. But we enjoyed the services (and dinners!) and it was so nice to get to hear Uncle Jim preach (and sing) again. It's been too long.
On Thanksgiving day, I held up the meal for a family pic (and am so glad!), but next year we need to make sure no one's hiding and to pay attention to words on shirts that get partially blocked and spell other words. The unphotoshopped version of this won't be posted. :)
The boys had a great time together, playing video games, football, shooting each other, and whatever boys do.
Lizzy was so happy to have girl cousins to play with! She even got a really pretty hairdo.
It snowed on us! (Why we're going to Florida.) These flakes were caught leaning out the window trying to catch flakes. :)
Our great "camp site" beside the house was just perfect! I think our RV gave theirs a complex, though they don't have three kids in tow 24/7/365! :)
We had a wonderful time and hope we didn't wear out our welcome, because we sure want to do it again next year! Though maybe without the snow.
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Thanks to that peace and quiet, we got a lot of work done! We had a great setup too, in the driveway close to family, food, and laundry with electric, water, sewer, cable, and wifi. With all of that, they're lucky we didn't stay a month!!
We joked that since we lived in a preacher's driveway, we went to church 3 times in 5 days. But we enjoyed the services (and dinners!) and it was so nice to get to hear Uncle Jim preach (and sing) again. It's been too long.
On Thanksgiving day, I held up the meal for a family pic (and am so glad!), but next year we need to make sure no one's hiding and to pay attention to words on shirts that get partially blocked and spell other words. The unphotoshopped version of this won't be posted. :)

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