A cool thing about a mobile life is being able to leave on a whim, EXCEPT when other mobile families come to the campground you just left on their own whims!! We moved an hour northeast and found out that The Coast to Coast Trips AND the Travaglinos had both moved to our campground the same day! We'd have turned around and come right back, even after setting up here, except our membership requires us to be out of that park for 7 days once we leave. We're so bummed!
So we decided to at least drive back to visit for the day, and maybe play another game of candy bar bingo! It was great to see them all again and hang out all day. The kids had a blast, parents too!
Candy bar bingo!
The trips had got to celebrate their birthday and were great sports.

Some of the kids took a hay ride.

Some played basketball.
Some just ran around the poles.
Only Gary could pull off the girl's bike with a dog in the basket. :)
We also noticed a rig similar to ours, with many states filled in their map, and a child's bike, so we introduced ourselves and found yet another fulltime RVing family in the Ayars! We're all so sad we missed the chance to spend more time with all these families, and of course the McCloskeys too, so maybe they'll see us back there again. Or maybe we'll run into them later down the road...

Candy bar bingo!
