Allen made another video of our RVing travels and adventures in 2011. We went from Florida to Maryland, took an unplanned turn (nothing is ever planned!) to Missouri, then on to California.
The fulltime RVing Lundy family in 2011:
This year we really slowed down, spending more time in each place. We still saw a LOT and enjoyedevery bit most of it. We did get stuck mid-country for the heat wave, which is why we ended up in California to cool down. Then we enjoyed it so much, we had a hard time leaving! Four months later, we finally headed to Arizona. Will we return? Who knows?!
You can also see a video of our first 6 months on the road.
The fulltime RVing Lundy family in 2011:
This year we really slowed down, spending more time in each place. We still saw a LOT and enjoyed
You can also see a video of our first 6 months on the road.