On day 2, we planned to quickly check out Thunder Hole, then hike Great Head Trail, but we had so much fun at Thunder Hole, we stayed all day. There was so much to climb, the kids just went nuts! The cliffs were gorgeous, climbing rocks plentiful, ocean views amazing, splashing waves captivating, just a beautiful place. There wasn't much "thunder" to Thunder Hole because the tide wasn't coming in, but it was cool and there were many friendly people to meet. They climbed for hours, ate lunch, then climbed more.
Jack sure had fun too!
That's Josh in the very center, on top of that little peak!
These boys were on top of the world!
I know it's not pretty, but this camera beltpack is one of my best finds ever! It sure saves me when we climb and I need both hands. Plus it saves my shoulders and back. I love it for hiking! Camera, big lens, extra battery, rain cover, plus room for my phone, water bottle, and more. [End commercial]
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That's Josh in the very center, on top of that little peak!
These boys were on top of the world!
I know it's not pretty, but this camera beltpack is one of my best finds ever! It sure saves me when we climb and I need both hands. Plus it saves my shoulders and back. I love it for hiking! Camera, big lens, extra battery, rain cover, plus room for my phone, water bottle, and more. [End commercial]
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