I really miss the days when the kids were "yittle" and dressed in coordinating costumes. :) This one is my all time favorite! It was fun to look back over the years. And I have to admit, it's pretty nice when the kids are older and agree with our new deal: Skip trick or treating and we'll go buy a whole bag of candy during the half-price sale the next day. :)
Only Josh.
When we hit the road, we started finding new places to celebrate. 2010 was Iowa with friends. My friend Nicole Young helped us find a fun place on the road and our kids got along great.
2011 was California with our friends the McCloskeys at Wilderness Lakes.
2012 was Indiana with our friends, the Nims, another RVing family. Notice the theme? :)
2013 is Arkansas, with no one for miles. But lots of candy tomorrow!
Only Josh.
When we hit the road, we started finding new places to celebrate. 2010 was Iowa with friends. My friend Nicole Young helped us find a fun place on the road and our kids got along great.
2011 was California with our friends the McCloskeys at Wilderness Lakes.
2012 was Indiana with our friends, the Nims, another RVing family. Notice the theme? :)
2013 is Arkansas, with no one for miles. But lots of candy tomorrow!