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Canning, yes in an RV

We've been learning about and doing a lot of canning this summer.  Yes, the RV kitchen is plenty big enough (although I definitely may run the kids out politely ask the kids to go outside). Allen and the kids picked a ton of blackberries all over the mountain.  I lost count somewhere around 60 gallons I think.  So we have a LOT of blackberry jam and jelly, but we saved some in the freezer for pies later on too.  We also tried watermelon jelly, fruit roll-ups in the dehydrator, then popsicles with the leftover juice. And peach butter, jelly, and cobbler.  And cucumber jelly, which is so weird, but super good on ham.  It's been quite a learning process, and mostly yummy!
I mainly used the induction burner, but used the propane one to keep the canner water hot sometimes. It was a small enough operation where I could switch pots back and forth on that one burner. We now have a stove outside that I can use, and I will, once it's not 100° outside.  The idea was to keep the heat out of the RV, but I kinda prefer the air conditioning of the RV to the ridiculously hot heat outside. 
Allen did some juicing for me with a juicer he found at a thrift store, which made things much easier!  He recruited Lizzy to help, who in turn recruited her friend to help.  :)  It's mainly needed to keep the chickens away.
Easy storage in the RV for 100 jars of jelly? Yeah, we haven't tackled that one yet. We just have jelly everywhere. That's a problem for another day. I don't know if they'll last long enough for it to matter anyway!
