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Except for the occasional times that sheep show up, not many big events happen around here. There are just random daily slices of life, sometimes educational, sometimes cute, usually weird.
Lucy kept trying to knock the ladder over when Allen was working on the gutter. 
The goats double as chicken beds and don't seem to mind. 
Lots of things are growing in the greenhouse and garden. 
Allen's sprouting barley to make the food stretch even more. The bunnies like the grass and the chickens like the roots. 
Lizzy made some cute cat cupcakes.
This bunny is cute.
This chicken is NOT cute! 
Matt is so happy and free here. And so weird. He just wants to be able to run through the rain in his underwear. Fortunately (??) that can happen here.
We let the goats mow the field all day. 
They're usually joined by chickens and deer.  The deer come daily and don't seem to care who else is around.
