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Hiking The Wave, Coyote Buttes, AZ

The Wave in the Coyote Buttes in Arizona is a popular Windows desktop wallpaper. It's also been one of our bucket list items, but not near the top because of how hard it is to get there.
Not the hike itself (though the 3 mile hike there was very challenging with no signage, no trail, no shade, and lots of climbing!), but getting the permits to go. Only 20 people are allowed in this part of the Coyote Buttes a day. 20!! 10 online and 10 walk-in. A day. (In 2014, only 14% of those who applied actually got permits!) Fortunately, we have no schedule so we (as in Allen) could go each day and apply and wait for the verdict. Amazingly, his number was called on the second day! We were so excited and so happy to have the Johnsons to share this experience with!
It was incredible, of course. And SO much more beautiful than any of these photos can show. 
There was beauty around every corner! And no actual corners because it was just twisty, turny, layers of pretty! 
This man made it possible! He finds all the best places to take us to. 
Click for the rest of the pics:
