because yes, we are that lame, next monday we're stopping at cabela's, for the night, because we can. yes it's only a few hours from here, but ya know, time is relative now! we've always passed this store (with longing) because we never had TIME to stop on the way to or from whatever kayaking trip we were on. we had to hurry to get to wherever to do whatever and hurry to get back home to do whatever and we never had time to just be. so now we will be, at cabela's. :)
by the way, i hope stores always ask for our zip code so we can say "well, what's yours? yeah, that's ours then." :)
by the way, i hope stores always ask for our zip code so we can say "well, what's yours? yeah, that's ours then." :)

I am so excited for you all! woohoo! have fun!