Josh and I fashioned a door and windows to finish up our tiny log cabin. Josh is getting really good at using power tools and becoming very handy! It's hard to watch him grow up, but he sure is helpful. We even hung the horseshoe we found here above the door. Now we just need to landscape it and build some tiny furniture. The best suggestion we've heard so far? Gnomes! They sure would fit perfectly. :)
This was intended to just cover up/insulate our well pump and now we've made half of it into a brooder house for new chicks! :)
(Hello to those visiting from ourtinylogcabin! Yep, we're a fulltime RVing family of 5, giving RVsteading a try here and there. We're glad you're here!)
(Hello to those visiting from ourtinylogcabin! Yep, we're a fulltime RVing family of 5, giving RVsteading a try here and there. We're glad you're here!)