We found out we were close to Cabrillo National Monument and, since we'd never heard of it, we figured we should go learn! The kids did the Junior Ranger program, so we all learned about Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (and how to say his name). There was also Old Point Loma lighthouse, some military history, an active base, and tide pools to explore. The kids especially liked learning about the weapons the ships used and trying on armor.
Look! Mexico! Oh, also San Diego. :)

Up the lighthouse steps.
I was excited to see the shores of San Diego and they were indeed gorgeous! My camera battery stopped working also, so being stuck with cell phone pics was torture! The tide was in because our timing always stinks, so we missed the tide pools (they said you could walk half a mile out onto the beach at certain times), but the cliffs were great to explore. The kids (and adults) had a ball!
